Slaughterhouses – knife and tool disinfection, drinking and process water, surface disinfection, crate washers, intermediate disinfection
There are numerous areas of application for NADES 2.0 in slaughterhouses.
- disinfection of knives and other tools
- drinking and process water rehabilitation
- surface disinfection
- crate washers
- intermediate disinfection
- carcass wash
Disinfection of work equipment
In the food industry, especially in meat production and meat processing, a wide range of working equipment is used. As the tools are in direct contact with the product in one way or another, they pose a potential risk of cross-contamination.
Tools, such as knives including knife baskets, gloves and aprons are cleaned and disinfected after production and during breaks, so that they can be stored in a dry place.
Traditionally, tools, especially knives, are disinfected by energy-intensive hot water treatment (82 °C). The use of NADES 2.0 in cleaning and disinfection is a method of cold disinfection, so that the temperature during use can be significantly reduced.
Application in detail
- knife basket washing machines
- washing machines for gloves
- cleaning channels for tools
- disinfection facilities before entering the cutting areas (knife case)
- intestinal package trays
- red organ hook
In accordance with Regulation (EC 853/2004), aquagroup AG recommends disinfecting the tools after each carcass, as this is the only way to prevent cross-contamination.
Drinking and process water remediation
Drinking water is one of the most important goods. It is subject to strict regulations in Germany. The Drinking Water Ordinance (TrinkwV 2001) regulates the chemical and microbiological parameters of water.
Drinking water may be treated for certain purposes and disinfected for microbiological improvement. These disinfection procedures are regulated in the Drinking Water Ordinance.
Up to 1.2 mg/l free chlorine may be added to the drinking water. After completion of the treatment, the drinking water must have values between 0.1 and 0.3 mg/l free chlorine. Additions of up to 6 mg/l free chlorine and contents of up to 0.6 mg/l free chlorine after treatment are not taken into consideration if the disinfection performance cannot be guaranteed otherwise. Operators of water supply systems are obliged to regularly check the quality of the water in order to exclude potential sources of danger such as contamination. The basis for the growth of legionella, pseudomonads and other germs is the biofilm, which often shows resistance to conventional disinfection methods, such as thermal disinfection or traditional chemical solutions.
Here, NADES 2.0 can be used effectively to reduce biofilm and disinfect drinking water.
Surface Disinfection
In food production and food processing industry, the disinfection of surfaces in contact with products is an essential aspect of product safety. However, the success of disinfection depends on the effectiveness of the previous cleaning, the consideration of the application parameters of the selected disinfectant and possible causes for re-contamination. The cleaning and disinfection of surfaces is time and labor-intensive.
By using NADES 2.0 in the cleaning and disinfection of surfaces, the complete cleaning cycle can be restructured and optimized. The result is an improvement in the hygiene status as well as possible time savings. Thorough pre-cleaning, which removes all visible organic residues, is a prerequisite for this, as these residues lead to the depletion of NADES 2.0.
To increase hygienic safety, NADES 2.0 can also be used for rinsing after the application of a combined cleaning and disinfecting solution.
Crate washers
Crates, in which meat products are stored, are fed to a crate washer for cleaning.
The crates usually pass through a pre-washing station, a main washing zone where lye is used for cleaning, a first rinsing section, a rinse, a draining station and finally hot air drying.
NADES 2.0 is used for surface disinfection in the crate washer. The temperature of the water used for hot water disinfection in the rinse zone can be reduced to approx. 40 °C to 45 °C when using NADES 2.0. This temperature reduction reduces the risk of cross-contamination due to the formation of condensation water. The crates are then homogeneously wetted with NADES 2.0 over the entire surface by means of specifically placed nozzle lines. To reduce the residual moisture, treatment with a hot-air blower can then be carried out. If no hot air blower is available, rinse aid is dosed in proportion to the amount of adhering water remaining.
In most cases, NADES 2.0 is used directly after the water inlet, i.e. at the city water inlet or, if you use your own water, at the wellhead. NADES 2.0 is added to the water flow from the buffer tank using pumps. In most cases, dosing is usually proportional to the volume and is controlled by a flow meter. Optional a dosing indicated by chlorine content is possible. If necessary, a static mixer ensures a homogeneous distribution of NADES 2.0.
Intermediate disinfection at slaughter lines (sterile basin, spray disinfection of equipment and cutting tools, conveyor/guide belts)
According to EU Regulation 853/2004, cross-contamination must be avoided before the completion of the (official) meat inspection. Standard procedure is hot water disinfection (> 82 °C). NADES 2.0 is used here as an alternative. The application of NADES 2.0 ranges from manual use of knives to automated solutions such as slaughtering robots. Since cutting tools, guide belts etc. have direct product contact in one way or another, they pose a potential risk of cross-contamination.
NADES 2.0 can also be used to significantly reduce the temperature when cleaning and disinfecting tools, guide belts, etc.
Application in detail
- steri-basin
- spray disinfection for automatic machines and work equipment
- intermediate cleaning of conveyor/guide belts
In accordance with Regulation (EC 853/2004), aquagroup AG recommends disinfecting the knives or cutting tool after each carcass, as this is the only way to prevent cross-contamination.
Advantages of NADES 2.0 in slaughterhouses
- improvement of process safety
- improved occupational safety: no handling of hazardous substances, minimization of the risk of scalding by hot water
- improving hygiene and microbiological safety
- avoidance of cross-contamination
- preventing condensation and reducing the associated risk of cross-contamination
- improved microbiological results during intermediate cleaning
- risk reduction of the distribution of Legionella spp. by aerosol formation
- reduction and prevention of biofilm in water pipes
- no coagulation of proteins on the devices
- blades or cutting tools remain sharp
- removal of unwanted products such as ammonium in water pipes by oxidation
- energy savings through reduced water temperature

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